Alesha Solomon is an Omushkego Cree self-taught artist with family connections to Fort Albany and Moose Cree First Nation. Her art focuses on language revitalization, land and water conservation, giving youth a voice and storytelling. She enjoys using vector adobe software so she can create png.files of her illustrations and characters to add onto her projects and make stickers or patches. Alesha is exploring photography, Adobe InDesign and photoshop to create posters in the future. She aspires to create jobs in northern communities and facilitate artistic workshops and programs for youth to learn in a safe and inclusive space just as she did.
Our mission is to foster connection, opportunity, and knowledge-sharing for those who create (Oshichikesiwuk). In doing so, we empower the voices of Mushkegowuk Cree to express the sacred connection between our people, water, land, and all our relations.
We envision a future where the voices of Omushkegowuk creators (Oshichikesiwuk) are empowered and valued, ensuring a legacy of harmony between culture and sustainability that resonates through generations connected to the James Bay Coast (Nanipek).